Confirmands UNPLUG at Craigville Confirmation Retreat

For the first weekend of March, this year’s confirmation class and its leaders traveled to the Craigville Retreat Center to UNPLUG by participating in a Confirmation Retreat offered by the Southern New England Conference of the UCC. Youth representing UCC Norwell were respectful and engaged, quickly befriending and including the other confirmation class (from Dover UCC). It was amazing to witness that, along with the remarkable amount of snacks we were able to consume:)

The theme of the retreat was "Who do you say that I am?", which is a question Jesus asks the disciples in the gospels. We were invited to reflect upon our own identities, the identity of the wider Church and our church, and the identity of God/Jesus.

We walked the beach, swung on the swings, threw the football around, shared in worship and communion together, and Bob Caldeira lifted our hearts with his original song reflecting on the call of God through the lives of Jonah and Moses: Ain’t It Funny.

This year’s confirmands: Maia C., Johnny F., John H., Ava L., Ben P., and Ian R..


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