Lent 2024 | Unplugging from Busyness

It’s not easy Lord, to be still.
To step away.
To turn away from the needs of others
in order to tend to our own needs. 
We rush through this life not always stopping to consult with
This week, God, I’m going to stop.  
I am stopping my fixing and cleaning, solving,
building and achieving - I am even going to stop my helping
and healing - to be alone with You,
even if just for a few minutes at first. 
I’m going to open my hands and give it all to my friend
Jesus. I’m going to give him all my anxieties and concerns
because You ask me to cast all my cares on Him who cares
for me.  
I’m going to open my heart and let You into my weaknesses
and worries.
I’m going to open my mind to the possibility that I may not
have all the answers. 
I’m going to give You my joy because its overwhelming
beauty is too much for me.
I’m going to do this, Lord, because I want You to come alive
in me on resurrection morning.
I want to be born all over again.
I want to live a Christ-like life that lifts others up,
that frees your people from all these earthly chains, 
And that liberates my own soul in the process. 


A Lenten Journey of Disconnecting, Surrendering, and Embracing God's Guidance


Unplugged | Timeout